Impostor Syndrome Explored

Impostor Syndrome

Why do people think of failures as anything other than such?

Why do we base our self worth in other people’s opinions? Where did that Idea come from?

-Know this: it is this struggle that sets you apart from everyone else. If it was easy, everyone would do it.
-Instead of accepting the struggle, people with IS see themselves as failing and give up.
-failure is failure, but it you give up that’s the issue
Accepting the challenge of that struggle is what makes you an artist.
-Imposter Syndrome is the feeling of being a fraud, of feeling like a fake. It is the feeling of not being good enough and the fear of being “found out”.
-can be a response to stimulus or anxiety
-Relying on others’ approval for our sense of worth is called “conditional worth”. And since we cannot control others, when we base our worth in conditions outside ourselves, we are never going to be in control of our sense of worth.
-what needs to be fixed
-Imposter Syndrome is not low self-esteem, a lack of confidence, and incompetence. It is not a psychological condition
-although it can lead to phsych. conditions
-Can cause inability to believe we can change the condition we’re in.


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